Thursday, March 18, 2010

Productivity, productivity, productivity!

    Somehow, it sounds like I do a lot when I explain how I have spent my day to others. And yet, I feel like the laziest person on Earth. Why is it so hard to completely fill my days when I don't have school?

    In musical news, I am in the process of booking shows for April and May. Ideally, we will have at least 5 shows in those two months; but alas, the people who handle booking tend to be slow to respond. So, for right now, we have no new shows lined up, which saddens me greatly. On the other end of the spectrum, I have been writing bits and pieces of new songs practically every day for the last week. I've had some great inspiration: seeing a few concerts, listening to some new music, playing a lot with a new friend, being happy partly as a result of that friend and also because of the incredible weather these last few days. New York City has been beautiful. I spent most of the day walking around the Upper West Side.

    A lot of the stress in my life seems to have dissipated thanks to all of the positivity flooding into my life. The Baker St show in Brooklyn was amazing, and really a turning point for the band. We had incredible response including teary-eyed professions of the beauty of my music, a request to be on a radio show, a glowing concert review, and a piece of paper full of new fans. A girl even used my lyrics as her myspace status! None of these people were required to like the band. They actually really liked my music. I am still flabbergasted.

    Here's to hoping that things stay this way or even progress!

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